Baptism Information:
Parents who are seeking Baptism for their children are asking that their son/daughter be initiated into the Catholic community and the local Church community of Our Lady of the Rosary. The Church baptizes infants/children on the faith of the parents. The idea is that parents have a deep faith, which they actively live out in the experience of the Catholic Church community. Children's faith is learned from their parents. To assist parents in living out the above idea, the Church community of Our Lady of the Rosary has adopted the following guidelines for infant Baptisms. (We consider children from birth through the age of seven to be infants.)
Instructions For Parents:
Baptisms are normally held at 11:00 AM (after 10 AM Sunday mass) in Church. To assist parents in preparing for the Baptism of their child, Our Lady of the Rosary offers a Baptism seminar. We ask that parents and Godparents attend this seminar or provide a written statement from the Catholic Church where the classes were taken. If parents and Godparents have attended a seminar within the last four years, we do not request that they repeat it.
- Provide the child's birth certificate; a copy will be made in the Parish Office and the original will be returned to you.
- If the parents are not married, they must provide proof of paternity for the father's name to be on the certificate and in the record. The Church requires a copy of the paternity papers provided by the hospital.
- If you are registered at another Parish, a letter of permission is requested from that Parish to have your child baptized at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church.
- All paperwork must be turned in before Baptism can be scheduled.
Instructions For Godparents:
Godparents must meet Canon Law requirements:
- Be a Catholic.
- Be a practicing Catholic. This means, a Catholic person who is in an invalid marriage (not in a Catholic Church marriage) cannot be a Godparent. A co-habiting Catholic person who is not married (living with someone) cannot be a Godparent.
- Be 16 years of age or older.
- Must be a confirmed Catholic.
- A baptized non-Catholic may stand as a witness, along with a confirmed Catholic.
If married, the Godparent needs to be in a valid marriage in the Catholic Church. This can be proved with an updated copy of the person's Baptismal certificate (which can be obtained at the Church of their Baptism); the Godparents are asked to provide this document to the Parish Office. In order to prepare for the celebration of this sacrament, the Godparents must attend the Baptism seminar.
Baptism Seminar:
Baptism seminar registration is required! Baptism seminars are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM in the Parish Office. Both parents and both Godparents are required to attend the seminar. If the seminar is attended at another Parish, a letter stating that a seminar was completed is requested. If the parents have attended a Baptism seminar within the last five years, we do not require them to repeat it, however, we will verify this information. It is important that all the documents be provided and the seminar be completed before the Baptism can be scheduled.
Below are documents needed from Parents & Godparents!